
Every day there are antisemitic acts and just as terrifying is the accompanying silence

by those who should know better. The silence during the Holocaust was deafening and

should have been a lesson for eternity. Unfortunately, this has not been the case.

We’re reminded that the Holocaust didn’t start with gas chambers. It started with

politicians dividing people with “us versus them” language. It also began with

intolerance which led to hate speech. None of these issues would have been a

significant problem, if not for the people who became desensitized, stopped caring and

remained silent.


Worse than this is the complicit media which gives credence to the Holocaust

revisionists and deniers, compounding the virulent hatred. We have seen what

happens when we remain silent – The Shoah (Holocaust). We have made a pledge,

“Never Again”. But instead of standing up to take arms against this virulent antisemitic

cancer, we spend the time pointing fingers at who’s to blame for this sad state.


Unfortunately, antisemitism is not just coming from those who are ignorant. It is

coming from the extreme right, the extreme left, places of “higher education”, “wellrespected”

athletes and entertainers and especially the mainstream media. Spewing

words of hate, violence, calls for murder and repeating stereotypes that encourage

resentment and anger.


Sticks and stones can break my bones but words… can certainly encourage the sticks

and stones. Words and actions like that of the BDS movement, like that of Kanye West,

like that of comedian Dave Chappell, like that of Rep. Omar, like that from the United

Nations, and many others demand an active response. A response that yells we won’t

allow these lies and hate to spread and light the fires of antisemitism.


The recent defamatory remarks of Kanye West (Ye) were promoted and spread as

banners and electronic signs at banks and businesses in California and Florida. The New

York Times published an incredibly antisemitic cartoon of Donald Trump wearing a

yarmulke on his head, being led by Netanyahu who is drawn as a dog. Attacks on

synagogues and attacks against Jews because they are Jews must be stopped.


The BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanction) movement that pretends to be anti-Israel, when in

fact it is purely antisemitic. We must remember that every single act of antisemitism is

an attack against every Jew. We need to take it personally and do something about it.


The time to raise your voice and take a stand is NOW. Enough is enough. Find your

voice and use it to help assure that NEVER AGAIN is not just a slogan but a call to
