Mark Winn Interview

Mark Winn is our Krav Maga Representative in Virginia. He has been practicing martial arts over 30 years and has a 2nd Dan Black Belt in Krav Maga. He has trained under our FIMA Representatives Masters Bruce and David Rubinberg at FEKS Martial Arts Center. He is the chief instructor and owner at Winning Warrior…

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Christian Garippa Interview

Christian Garippa is our FIMA Representative for the Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas area, and has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years. The majority of his training has been in Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Christian has Black Belts in Krav Maga, and also in BJJ under Master Carlos Machado. Other martial arts that he…

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3 Powerful Tactics that Motivate Customers to Buy

3 Powerful Tactics That Motivate Customers to Buy Wooing customers is a little bit like dating. No, you can’t present the engagement ring on your first date! There’s a two-way relationship that grows one step at a time before it leads to the church doors. You can’t rush it… you can’t skip it… if you’re…

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Meditation as Stress Relief

Meditation as Stress Relief Meditation is a form of alternative medicine that promotes relaxing and mental calmness using controlling or suspending thoughts for a certain period of time. Since meditation involves physical and mental relaxation, it’s a great way to relieve stress. When some people hear about meditation as a way to relieve stress, they…

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Ready, Set, Change

Ready, Set, Change Ready, Set, Change   I was at work one day, calling on a customer who wasn’t answering her phone. Her voice mail message started out in the usual way, “…we’re not home, leave a message…” what followed was not so usual. It continued, “…by the way, we’ve recently made some changes in…

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