The Israeli Advantage

  • Traditional martial arts schools have lost the actual application of many techniques. Fundamental to Israeli martial arts and self-defense styles are the actual applications.
  • Traditional martial arts, in general, rely on consistency; teaching the same techniques over decades or even centuries. Israeli martial arts are continually modified to address the need for new and evolved techniques, the ever-changing world and novel attack strategies and tactics.
  • Not for sport or competition – Israeli MMA being the application and exception.
  • Continuously and realistically tested.
  • Focus on essential movements.
  • Instinctive – when possible.
  • Simplicity.
  • Utility of movement.
  • Adaptability - continuous evolving.
  • Effectiveness.
  • Emphasize teaching of principles over techniques.
  • Priority on physical conditioning.
  • Success less dependent on practitioner’s strength.
  • Focus on mental toughness and preparedness – stress training.
  • Psychologic and verbal de-escalation techniques.
  • Instructors have experience in security, law enforcement and/or military – serving or teaching.
  • Weapon training restricted to those commonly used on the street: sticks, knives, firearms, explosives, etc
  • Weapon training in how to effectively use – not just disarming techniques.
  • All aspects of a realistic fight – armed and unarmed addressed.
  • Multifaceted such that success not dependent on expertise in any one tactic such as punches, kicks, throws, grappling.
  • Hybrid systems borrowing from multiple systems such as judo, jiujitsu, wrestling, muay thai, aikido, karate, escrima, kung fu, Brazilian jiu jitsu, etc.
  • Simultaneous defense and attack
  • Continuous defense/attacks (retzev) until an attacker is neutralized.
  • Striking focus is against resistance – body or bag rather than in the air.
  • Use of improvisational weapons and weapons of opportunity – no rules.
  • No point sparring. Sparring is performed with realism as focus to neutralize attacker and develop fight strategy.
  • Self-defense strategies/techniques merged with Close Quarters Combat systems – prepares for self-protection whether surprised in an attack or behind enemy lines.